The Monster Kicking Tee

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Concept & Design by Braam van Straaten
Patent Pending NO: 2010/ 05518
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Braam van Straaten needs no introduction. The Monster Kicking Tee is a product that was born from the boot of Braam. Whilst kicking with other tees, Braam started to design a Kicking Tee. Normal Tees were too hard, or too low. Normal Tees jump when kicking the ball. These aspects were all bettered by Braam in drawings and he had a Monster Dream. Braam’s kicking tee was designed by a kicker with 16 years’ experience and not a manufacturer. The first prototype Braam made himself from carton and masking tape. It took Braam a year to find the right person to continue with the design and technical aspects that he required from the kicking tee.